The fall semester has started!
HACC’s fall semester started on August 29th, 2022. If it weren’t for recovering from the effects of COVID, I would have been all over that. But alas, I was, and so I wasn’t. But I was still excited. So excited, in fact, and well enough that I completely finished a class less than 24 hours after it launched a few days before the official start of the semester. Yes, you read that right. But in my teacher’s defense, it was a beginner’s class on the internet and web design. The final project was to put together a 6-page portfolio using HTML skills learned in the class. Um, have you seen what I can do with CSS? I think I can handle some basic HTML.
Amusingly, I’m actually not 100% finished. I need to grab some screen-recording software and do a presentation of the actual portfolio. This is the part I’m dreading, because I hate talking to an audience (this is why I’m not a vlogger, and why you’ll rarely find me doing videos on Instagram). But still, finishing a 16 week class in about 16 hours (while sick with COVID and a fever, mind you, and starting in the middle of the night) will hopefully show my advisor (who is the teacher of that class) I do in fact know what I’m talking about, and so pretty please listen to me next time when I ask for more advanced classes, because this one? Yawn. Still, easiest 100% ever!
This leaves 16 weeks for three classes instead of four, and one of the three is another beginner-level HTML class. My first homework assignment instructed me to use a total of five elements of HTML and/or CSS to construct a one-paragraph biography of myself. I ended up throwing in an inline stylesheet and validating it along with the HTML, and I styled the hideous horizontal line the teacher insisted we include, for good measure. I’d have finished this class, too, except this teacher is releasing the class work week by week, instead of all at once, so I have to sit and twiddle my thumbs.
My other two classes will be a bit more stimulating: Windows Server and desktop administration. I’m excited for both!